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Letting it Flow: Lessons to Remember
by Alexandra Windsong, August, 20089

For the last two weeks, I've been putting off writing my article for the August newsletter. Why you might ask? Well for one thing, procrastination is something I'm very good at. But seriously, what I've learned is that when I'm procrastinating, it means there is a problem, otherwise I don't procrastinate. So what's the problem? Why am I so stuck?

I honestly didn't have an answer. I had a some really good ideas for an article that I kicked around for a while. I even started writing about a couple of them, but they just wouldn't go anywhere. And then, one day as I sat down at my computer to try yet again, I looked up and saw my "Remember" list hanging on the wall over my desk. And then it hit me. That's what I'm supposed to write about this month. And as soon as I realized that, the words started flowing and voila, the article was done.

So what's my "Remember" list? It's a list I made of important things to remember in living an authentic life, inspired by an article in one of Cheryl  Richardson's newsletters. In making this  list, I borrowed a few from her list, made changes as needed to better suit my life and philosophy, added some of my own thoughts and my "Remember" list was born. Then I hung the list over my desk so I would see it almost every single day. And it's been an invaluable guide for helping me stay on track and make the right choices for myself in many areas of my life. And now I share my list with you.


-Disappoint others gracefully.

-Get used to others not liking you.

-Always be an independent thinker.

-Risk upsetting others to keep peace with yourself.

-Follow your own heart.

-Always do what you think is best.

-Be honest with people, even when it's hard

-Be true to yourself and your vision.

-Remember, it all comes through you!

And the newest addition to my list? "If it doesn't flow don't force it." Because you never know, there might be a better alternative, direction or option if you just give it a chance to show up. It could even be staring you right in the face if you just open your eyes and look up.

For more information about Alexandra Windsong, Spiritual & Intuitive Healer at The Healing Way in Frederick, MD,  click here.

© 2009, Alexandra Windsong