Flower Essences:
Frequently Asked Questions

Alexandra Windsong
© 2006, 2017 Alexandra Windsong, All Rights Reserved.

What are flower essences?
Flower essences are created by harnessing the energy pattern of a particular plant or flower and imprinting that energy pattern upon a liquid, usually water with a preservative such as brandy. The liquid then holds the energy pattern until it is needed, much like a battery stores an electrical charge.

How do they work?
Flower essences transform emotions, patterns and energies that interfere with our personal and spiritual growth and well-being.  When taken into the energy field, they resonate with the corresponding aspect of the energy field that is out of balance, restoring balance to the energy bodies and thereby addressing issues at the core level of one's being.  

What can they do?
They can have a supportive energy during stressful or challenging times; serve as catalysts for change, growth or healing; or facilitate awareness of underlying metaphysical or spiritual issues that need to be addressed. Many people have found flower and vibrational essences to be useful tools for facilitating and supporting the healing process, spiritual growth and development, grounding, focus, breaking through feeling “stuck”, concentration, stress, life purpose, psychic opening and development, clearing and balancing the chakras, and much more.

How are they used?
Flower essences are most commonly used orally, 2-3 drops directly into the mouth or into a beverage. Suggested use is 2-3 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed. An essence, or a combination of essences, is typically used for three to four weeks. At that time the situation is reassessed. In some cases, the same essence, or combination of essences, is repeated for another cycle. In others, new essences are selected as new issues and insights come to the surface. They may also be applied topically to the skin or added to a bath.

Do they have a fragrance?
No. Unlike the essential oils used in aromatherapy which do have a fragrance, flower essences are entirely energetic in nature containing only the etheric energy pattern of the plant.

Are flower essences like herbal extracts or tinctures?
No. Tinctures, or herbal extracts, consist of physical components derived from a plant source. These compounds, or substances, are physical in nature and interact with the body on a physiological level.  Essences, on the other hand, consist of an energy vibration, not a physical substance, and interact with the body on an energetic level, rather than a physiological one.

How many essences can be used at one time?
Typically, it is usually best to limit the number of essences used at one time to no more than five. While many essences may seem appropriate, it is best to focus on 1 or 2 key issues at a time and select the essence, or essences, which best match those issues.

So many of them seem appropriate for me, how do I choose the right ones?
Essences are selected by matching soul qualities, or states of imbalance within the individual, with the corresponding flower essence. You may consult resources such as “The Flower Essence Repertory” published by Flower Essences Services or visit their web site at www.floweressences.com. You may also find speaking with a friend or counselor helpful in identifying the key soul issues for you at this time. Many find the services of a flower essence practitioner helpful in the selection of the appropriate essences.

What essence will cure/treat _________ disease/illness? 
Flower essences are not intended to treat or cure illness or disease. Flower essences are selected based upon soul qualities or imbalances not physical symptoms.

What happens if I use the wrong one?
Nothing. Flower essences facilitate and promote balance at an energetic or soul level. The essence will only have an effect if it corresponds to the patterns of imbalance you are experiencing.

How quickly will I see a change?/How fast do they work?
For some, the changes are immediate and obvious. For others, the changes are more gradual and subtle - requiring time, reflection and introspection for their effects to become apparent. The most common experience is for the essences to have their effect over a period of weeks and in some cases months. While flower essences can be used successfully for short term, or acute, situations, they are most effective when used over an extended period to allow the changes to fully unfold.

I've been using ______ essence, and nothing, or not much, seems to be happening. Why?
There are several possibilities. One, is that the effects of the essence are manifesting in such a subtle manner, that they are not immediately apparent, and time spent in introspection and self-examination may reveal what is happening. It is also possible that it is too soon to see any significant changes and more time may be required for the effects of the chosen flower essences to become noticeable. The third possibility is that the original essences were chosen based on surface symptoms or fleeting feelings and the core issues are not being addressed. In this case new essences should be selected.

What about use with alcohol-sensitive individuals?
There are two options. One is to dilute 2-3 drops of the flower essence into a large glass of water rather than taking the drops directly under the tongue. The other options is to have the essences prepared using vegetable glycerin or apple cider vinegar as the preservative rather than brandy. Most flower essences practitioners can do this for you.

Do flower and vibrational essences interfere with any medications or herbs I may be using?
No. Flower and other vibrational essences interact with one's system on an energetic level, not on a physiological one. Therefore, they do not interact or interfere with substances such as medications and herbs which interact with the body on a physiological level.

Do they work with animals as well as people? Yes.

For more information about flower essences, or to schedule an appointment, contact Alexandra by email or call 301-606-2607.

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Alexandra Windsong is a healer, intuitive, life coach, singer, songwriter and artist and has been using flower essences both personally and professionally for over 20 years. For more about Alexandra, click here.